Swimming Pool Rules

Hours of operation: 10 am to 10 pm
No Lifeguard on duty.  Swim at your own risk.
The pool area is under video surveillance at all times.
  • No diving
  • No running
  • No pushing
  • No dangerous horseplay
  • No foul language
  • No smoking or chewing tobacco
  • No bicycles
  • No animals
  • No skateboards
  • No muddy shoes
  • No glass bottles
  • No balloons
  • Drugs, profanity, inappropriate physical contact or persons under the influence of drugs or alcohol are not allowed in pool area or parking lot
  • No jumping off the chairs or sliding into the pool. No putting chairs in the pool. Please return the furniture to its proper place.
  • A homeowner must accompany all guests. Please keep guests to a minimum.
  • As a homeowner, you are responsible for the actions of all members of your household as well as your invited guests.
  • A responsible adult or guardian, 18 or older, must accompany children under the age of 15.
  • Only children aged six (6) and under may use the kiddie pool and only if accompanied by an adult.
  • Children who are not potty trained are required to wear a swim diaper. (Automatic 24-hour shutdown if the pool is contaminated)
  • Noise and music should be kept to a minimum. Please use headphones for music when appropriate. Please respect others using the pool, as well as nearby neighbors.
  • No climbing, pulling on or pushing the fence.
  • No tampering with drains or other equipment (such as water hose, pool skimmer, safety equipment, ropes, floats)
  • The parking lot closes at 10:00 pm. No overnight parking.
  • The retention pond is not for recreational use. There should be no trespassing on that property.
  • Homeowners’ dues must be current to use the pool.
  • Please keep the gate at the entrance closed at all times. The alarm will sound if the gate is left open.
Violations of these rules may result in the cancellation of your pool privileges. Please report any violations to the Summit Crossings HOA at info@summitcrossingshoa.com.
Please report any unruly disturbances to Lee’s Summit Police Department using the non-emergency phone number 816-969-7390.
Summit Crossings Party Guidelines
  • The pool will stay open to residents.
  • No pool parties outside normal pool hours
  • The Board must be notified of the intended party in advance and only 1 party at a time
  • Households may only have two parties per year
  • Max 20 individuals in the pool area including parents
  • 2 hours maximum for the party
  • The calendar on summitcrossingshoa.com will have the schedule for pool parties
  • The household hosting the pool party must clean up after the party and take the trash with you. If the responsible household does not clean up, the responsible household will be charged a $100 clean-up fee.